Lord, we pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Katherine, our Presiding Bishop; Greg, our Bishop; Berto, our rector; and all who minister through this parish that we may be united in your truth, live together in your love and reveal your glory in this temporal world.

Lord, let us have mercy on others as you have mercy on us.

Lord, we pray for Barack, our President, Jay, our Governor and all who hold authority that they may honor one another and serve the common good.

Lord, let us have mercy on others as you have mercy on us.

Lord, we pray for this precious earth, our island home, and the bountiful sea that surrounds our beloved island that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others.

Lord, let us have mercy on others as you have mercy on us.

Lord, we pray for all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit.  Help them to be aware of your Holy Spirit so they may receive courage and hope in their troubles.  Together, we pray for our parish prayer list

Lord, let us have mercy on others as you have mercy on us.

Lord, we give thanks for those who do your work on this earth, especially Emmanuel’s parish prayer writing team and particularly Jan Koltum who leaves us today to be near her grandchildren.

Lord, let us have mercy on others as you have mercy on us.

Lord, we pray for all who have died and for those who mourn that your will for them may be fulfilled.

Lord, let us have mercy on others as you have mercy on us.

Celebrant: Lord, we give thanks for the mercy that you have for us and ask that we be aware of your Holy Spirit so that we may have mercy on others. AMEN.