Lector: Embraced by God’s word, let us intercede for all those in need, saying: Have mercy, O Lord.

For the church, that our Lenten hunger may be for justice, and our thirst for deeds of justice, we pray:

Have mercy, O Lord.

For the church, that all those to be baptized at Easter may see through the dazzling attractions of sin and rejoice only in God’s marvelous gift, we pray:

Have mercy, O Lord.

For the community of nations, that the worth of every life may compel us on the way to solidarity and peace, we pray:

Have mercy, O Lord.

For exiles and refugees, that all who are homeless because of war or hunger, because of the greed or hatred of others, because of disabilities, may find places of rest and kindness, we pray:

Have mercy, O Lord.

For those who struggle with addictions, that they may find strength and love for the simple gifts of God, we pray:

Have mercy, O Lord.

For this assembly, God’s handiwork, that our steps be directed in ways of peace that lead us to the side of those the world despises, and that we name these rejected ones our brothers and sisters, we pray:

Have mercy, O Lord.

For those who suffer illness or sorrow, and especially for those on our parish prayer list: that they may find relief in your loving presence.

Have mercy, O Lord.

Presider: God, full of goodness and open to weakness, remember all whom we remember, and remind us of all whom we would forget. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.