Lord, we pray for your church, in all its forms and all its leaders, especially Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Katherine, our presiding bishop, Greg, our bishop and Berto, our Rector, may they sustain the weary with a word.

Make your face to shine upon your servants.

Lord, we pray for these United States, and our Canadian neighbors who share our precious Salish Sea.

Make your face to shine upon your servants.

Lord, we pray for peace throughout the world and relief from fear and terror for those in harm’s way.

Make your face to shine upon your servants.

Lord, we pray for this island community, giving thanks for spring, and ask your blessing on all farmers and gardeners, especially our Garden Gang, who weed and plant the seeds of your bounty.

Make your face to shine upon your servants.

Lord, we pray for the poor and for all those who suffer in mind, body or spirit, especially those on our parish prayer list:….  May they and we be reminded that our times are in your hand and put our trust in You.

Make your face to shine upon your servants.

Lord, we pray for the departed and those who morn; may they be as faithful as Joseph of Arimathea who asked Pilate for the body of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus who saw where the body was laid.

Make your face to shine upon your servants.

Presider: Lord, listen to the prayers of your servants, help us to keep awake to do your will upon this earth. AMEN.