Lector: During the silence after each bidding, the people o?er their own prayers, either silently or aloud.

Let us pray for the revealing of the reign of God in the world, now and always.

In the beginning, God was. Here and now, God is. In the future, God will be.

Creator of earth, sea, and sky, kindle the ?re of your Spirit within us that we may be bold to heal and defend the earth around us, and pour your blessing upon the people and organizations working everywhere for the good of the planet.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Breath of life, receive our thanks for the beauty of our local habitat and all its inhabitants, and lend us the wisdom and will to conserve them.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Light and source of life, heal and redeem the wounds of your creation, and visit the places and people who su?er from our indi?erence, neglect, and greed.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Lover of all you have made, we thank you for the wondrous diversity of your creatures, and we pray for their well-being.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Author of the book of nature, receive our gratitude for the places of restoration and healing, and challenge us to sustain the places that feed our lives and spirits.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Wise Creator whose works are full of mystery, give us wonder and appreciation for your creatures with whom we ?nd ourselves in con?ict.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Giver of all good gifts, awaken us daily to our dependence upon your generosity,  and make us always thankful for the abundance of your blessings.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Joy of human hearts, heal our human communities, especially those where your word is not heard, or where neglect, violence, greed, and warfare increase the su?ering and need of people and other creatures.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Comforter of all the earth, sustain the people of this congregation who desire or need your presence and help.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Rock and refuge of all your creatures, receive into everlasting mercy all those who have died especially Roger Congdon.


God, Giver of life, Hear our prayer.

Presider: Great Spirit God, we give you thanks for another day on this earth. We give you thanks for this day to enjoy the compassionate goodness of you, our Creator. We acknowledge with one mind our respect and gratefulness to all the sacred cycle of life. Bind us together in the circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and one another. Amen.

(source: Native American/Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Liturgies, prepared for the 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, July 2009, Anaheim, California)