Lector: Dearest Lord, we pray for our broken world, that each of us will turn toward your light, and, with our faces unveiled, see the glory of your face in each other and the wonders that you have created. In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, we pray for our church in the world.  Let us renounce the shameful things that one hides, and by refusing to practice cunning or by falsifying God’s world, speak only in truth and love; thereby commending ourselves to the conscience of everyone in the sight of God. In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, we pray the same for our nation in this election year.  Let us remember that true victory is not partisan, that good government is not a super bowl of hardened opinion, but rather a victory for truth and love, which proof lies in the well-being of all peoples and the natural world.  In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, we pray for the social order.  Let us not be condemned as a faithless and perverse generation, unwilling or unable to do your work in the world.  You have asked us to care for the widow, the orphan, and the foreigner.  Let us bend to the needs of our neighbors, seeing Christ in every person.  In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, we love this beautiful world you have given us.  We revel in its beauty and generosity, the unveiled glory of your creation.  Help us treat the natural world with gentleness and respect, so that it may forever proclaim your glory. In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, human life is di?cult; each of us, at one time another, has su?ered a?iction of body, mind, or soul.  Grant that by faith in you, as revealed in Christ Jesus, we might be strengthened to bear our crosses.  We pray especially for those on our parish prayer list… In Christ we pray.

Presider:  Beholding by faith the light of your countenance, through Jesus Christ our Lord, let us be changed into his likeness from glory to glory.  Amen.