We pray for all who worship you, especially our leaders: Michael, our Presiding Bishop, Greg, our Bishop, Berto, our Rector and all of us who have been baptized by your Holy Spirit, may we love one another.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

We pay for these United States, especially our leaders and candidates for office and all citizens, may they remember who was I that I could hinder God.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

We pray for this fragile earth, our island home and especially our distant neighbors on the Pacific Rim who have suffered earthquakes these last few weeks, may you wipe every tear from their eyes as they rebuild their homes and lives and may we be reminded to prepare for possible future quakes.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

We pray for our precious Orcas Island, especially for OPALCO members to be thoughtful in their voting.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

We pray for all those who suffer in mind, body, spirit, addiction, or underemployment, and especially those on our parish prayer list: … may we remember to love one another as your disciples.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

We pray for the departed, remembering Wray MacKay and Cesar Chavez as the anniversary of their deaths approach, may they be shining examples of the power of faith and social justice so that mourning and crying and pain will be no more.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

Presider: O God, you asked us to love one another, just as You love each of us. Raise up strength for your people, so we may be known as your disciples through our deeds. Amen.