Lector: Precious Savior, without whom nothing is strong, bring peace to the peoples of the world. Help us to create a world in which mercy and truth have met together, in which righteousness and peace have kissed and borne the generous fruit of love. In your precious name, we pray.

Precious Savior, the Lord God has come to fullness through you. Help us, your church, to live our lives rooted and built up in you, established in the faith, abounding in thanksgiving. In your precious name, we pray.

Precious Savior, you warn us against being taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit. This is our temptation in an election year. Help us to remember that substance belongs to you alone. Let us not become pu?ed up by human ways of thinking. In your precious name, we pray.

Precious Savior, through Paul, you warn us against human laws that disqualify us from your eternal love. Do not let race, religion, age, income, ability, gender, or sexual orientation separate us. Teach us to grow together in the love that begins and ends in you. In your precious name, we pray.

Precious Savior, let us look for the truth that springs up from the clear waters of the earth, that falls from its rain-laden skies, that manifests in the green tapestries of its forests and the animals who dwell there. Let us celebrate and protect the splendor of you in the natural world. In your precious name, we pray.

Precious Savior, you instruct us to ask, and, in our persistence, it will be given us. We ask you this morning, from our deepest hearts, to be with those of us who su?er in body, mind, or spirit, especially those on our parish prayer list:

And we knock on your door for those recently deceased, that you might welcome them to your eternal peace. In your precious name, we pray.

Presider: Listen to what the Lord God is saying; he is speaking peace to his faithful people. Amen.