Lector: Beloved Father-Mother-Creator God. Your creation is in turmoil; our hearts are troubled even while we rejoice in your renewal, even while we celebrate that stones may be rolled from the tomb of unconsciousness. We reflect that you lived in similar times to ours and are grateful that you took on the mantle of suffering that we might be freed from the burden of our ignorance and our self-interest.

We thank you and praise you for your everlasting love.

With this in mind we pray that we may all express the wisdom, kindness, and gracious ability to be helpful to others in every possible way. May we all become living examples of the grace you have brought to humankind.

We thank you and praise you for your everlasting love.

We pray for the rulers of all nations and ask that they make wise, compassionate choices to benefit the entire world—the environment, and all its creatures.

We thank you and trust in your everlasting love.

We pray for the heads of all faiths, and for communities, and families, that we might speak kindly with one another and recognize our common need and intent.

We thank you and praise you for your everlasting love.

We pray for all those suffering in the world—including the people of Syria, Egypt, Somalia, and all those working to take care of this beautiful earth you have entrusted to us—from the vineyards on the mountains of Samaria, to the ice floes of Antarctica, the mountains, the shores, the forests, and all else. May every heart be filled with knowledge of your presence in all that is.

We thank you and trust in your everlasting love.

We pray for those in special need of prayer within our extended Emmanuel Community,…

Your mercy endures for ever.

We pray especially for those newly departed and for their families including Eleanor Peterson, Emily Reid.

May they all be consoled by your glorious resurrection, for your mercy endures forever.

Presider: We ask for the protection and guidance of all those who have realized your constant presence within them—all the holy angels and saints—may we heed them and become more like them, thus celebrating your wisdom and love in ever- increasing glory. Amen