Ever faithful Lord, open the eyes of our faith so that we might learn to love one another deeply from the heart.  Help us to see that we are all miracle, all one.  Help us to put aside judgement so we might see the pain and beauty in the other.

In Christ we pray.

Ever generous Lord, you are known to us in the breaking of the bread.  Help your church to throw open the doors of its heart, welcoming everyone to the feast.

In Christ we pray.

Ever patient Lord.  Help the peoples of our great nation set aside partisan politics, which, after all, are not God.  Remind us that we all share the same basic needs for food, shelter, safety, love, dignity and opportunity; open our hearts to the needs of our neighbors.

In Christ we pray.

Ever merciful Lord.  Help us to be the eyes and ears and arms and hearts of your mercy for the world by feeding the hungry, offering water to the thirsty, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, comforting the imprisoned, visiting the sick, and burying the dead.

In Christ we pray.

Ever awesome Lord.  We stagger at the beauty of the world you have given us, its huge skies, deep waters, rich and plentiful earth, and a diversity of life beyond imagining.  Help us to love and care for the precious gift of your creation.

In Christ we pray.

Ever vigilant Lord.  You know who among us are suffering in body, mind and spirit.  Comfort them in their hour of need.  Inspire us to bend toward them tenderness and compassion, especially those on our parish prayer list:

In Christ we pray.

Presider:  Purify our souls so that we might have genuine mutual love.  Amen.