Precious Lord, what you ask of us is clear — maintain justice and do what is right. Let your ways be known upon earth, your saving health among all nations.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

Precious Lord, we trust that your gifts are irrevocable. Guide us, your church, to love you with all our hearts, souls and minds, and our neighbors as ourselves.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

Precious Lord, we know that if we do not speak in love, what comes out of our mouths defiles. Our great nation, at this moment, is torn by hate speech and action. Teach us to speak from the heart of love and mercy.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

Precious Lord, you gathered the outcasts of Israel in your merciful love. Help us, likewise, to minister to the outcasts of war and poverty and famine who wander the earth, seeking solace and peace.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

Precious Lord, the earth has brought forth her increase. We stand in awe. Bless us in our care for the air, the water, the land and their inhabitants, with whom we share the world and upon whose health our own depends.

Dearest Lord, we pray.

Precious Lord, great is our faith in your love for us. Be with those who suffer in mind, body, and spirit. Help them to trust in your healing love. Be also with the recently departed and their families in loss. We especially pray for family and friends whom we now name silently or aloud, including those on our parish prayer list:

Dearest Lord, we pray.

Presider: Precious Lord, have mercy upon us. We believe that when we ask in great faith, you both hear and answer our prayers.  Amen.