Lector: With all our heart and with all our mind, let us pray to the Creator, saying, Creator, have mercy . On your earth, the garden of life, Creator, have mercy . On soil, that it may be fruitful in all seasons, Creator, have mercy . On rocks and minerals that form the foundations for life, Creator, have mercy . On volcanoes and lava ?ows that reveal the power of earth’s core, Creator, have mercy . On hills and great mountains; on cli?s, caves, and valleys, Creator, have mercy . On deserts and their hardy creatures, Creator, have mercy . On your waters, which sustain a diverse community of life, Creator, have mercy .
On coral reefs, and on the animals, plants, and ?sh that inhabit them, Creator, have mercy . On ocean deeps, teeming with life; on the open seas and all that travel upon them, Creator, have mercy . On rivers, bringing water to thirsty places, Creator, have mercy . On lakes and streams, home to a diversity of life, Creator, have mercy . On ponds and marshes, cradles of life, Creator, have mercy . On wetlands and estuaries; on rocky coasts and beaches, Creator, have mercy . On islands and atolls, oases and all harsh outposts of life, Creator, have mercy . On glaciers and ice ?elds, holding the delicate balance of waters, Creator, have mercy . On storms, ?oods, and tempests, and all fearsome forces of weather, Creator, have mercy
On rains that water the earth, causing plants to sprout and grow, Creator, have mercy . On snow and hail, sleet and winter cold, and on the dormant things that wait for spring, Creator, have mercy . On mists and fog silently watering the ground, Creator, have mercy . On the human family across the globe, of many colors and communities, in kinship with all creation, Creator, have mercy . On all who live and work and play in this our island home, Creator, have mercy . On those who work around us, whose labor builds up our community or Orcas and our world, Creator, have mercy . On the businesses and industries of Orcas Island, that they may pro?t the whole community, Creator, have mercy . On the parks and green spaces of Orcas Island; on those who maintain them and those who enjoy them, Creator, have mercy . On the plants and animals of our ecosystem, Creator, have mercy . On those who produce food and energy for this Island’s people and pets, Creator, have mercy . On schools and all places of learning; on all who care for and teach children and adults, Creator, have mercy . On the poor and homeless residents of Orcas, that there may be shelter and sustenance for them, Creator, have mercy . On visitors and immigrants; on all who o?er welcome and shelter here, Creator, have mercy . On those stricken by earthquakes and hurricanes, Creator, have mercy . On all places of reverence and prayer; on all who honor you and on those who do not yet know you, Creator, have mercy . On our ancestors, and on those who will come after us, Creator, have mercy .