Lector: Beloved Father Mother God – With open hearts we celebrate this great feast day honoring the Christed Consciousness of your beloved son. Help us to awaken to all that is loving and good in creation; let our own hearts be receptive to your light. It is a great and good thing to celebrate your eternal reign in this place of worship with our caring community.
We are blessed indeed and we thank you with all our hearts.
We are indeed thankful with all our hearts for our priests, Berto and Hugh, who serve with love and compassion. We ask special blessings for them, for our bishop, and for all spiritual leaders everywhere. May they all be worthy servants of your great wisdom and move always in the direction of the highest good.
Lord, hear our prayer.
May world leaders govern justly and wisely, and strive for true peace. May hatred cease and your great wisdom and unbounded love penetrate the darkest hearts everywhere, regardless of nationality or creed.
Lord, hear our prayer.
We ask your guidance in helping all those in need in our Orcas Community, especially struggling parents and growing children. At the same time we ask for help and protection for all those su?ering homelessness, imprisonment, hunger, and loss of loved ones due to ongoing wars, terrorism, and natural disasters. May needed assistance reach them in timely and appropriate ways.
Lord, hear our prayer.
May all on our parish prayer list ?nd comfort in your wisdom and love including … and all others in special need. Please add your special prayers or concerns. (a moment of silence) We ask that the departed within our own community and those elsewhere may enjoy the peace and the in?nite love of heaven, and that their families may be comforted.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Presider: Oh Holy Creator-God of love, our refuge and our strength, hear the prayers of your people, and grant us the grace to be ever faithful to you. We ask this through the ascended Christ who is both Alpha and Omega, now and forever. Amen.