Lector: Oh God, Great Mystery Beyond Knowing: You are the Alpha and the Omega. You speak through the wind and the thunder, the sunshine and the rain, in our living and our dying, in our laughter and our crying, and all the melodies of creation. You move through and about the world we see, the people we know, and all sentient beings. You are beyond our ability to describe, and yet we turn to you as we would to a loving parent for help in our time of need, and we express to you our gratitude for every wondrous deed.

Oh Beloved Mystery we thank you for the abundance that you bestow on us, and pray that all your children might be equally blessed. Help us to make this happen. Guide all those in power to act with compassion and consideration, especially our president Donald, our Governor Jay and all leaders throughout the world. Guide them to come together in meaningful communication that holds the good of all humanity foremost in their intentions.

We pray that all may act for the highest good and we listen in silence for your voice.

We are so grateful tor our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our Bishop Gregory and spiritual leaders throughout the world. We thank you for the grace and guidance that calls them forward in upholding your commandment that we love one another. We pray that all may act for the highest good and we listen in silence for your voice. Let us cast our nets aside and follow you in gratitude . We thank you for diseases overcome, for growing ease and comfort and shelter found for those in need. At the same time we pray with renewed fervor for all those su?ering from the onslaughts of war, famine, natural disasters, family disruptions, addictions, and other problems. Help us to ?nd the best way to take appropriate action to assist those in need.

We pray that all may act for the highest good and we listen in silence for your voice.

We could spend our day acknowledging the sel?ess contributions of so many people in our community. Let us thank the healers, caregivers and helpers of all kinds, and all those who work behind the scenes to harmonize our lives. Gratitude to those who serve on our church vestry and Sunday school, and for the work of St. Agnes’ Guild in their outreach to those in need. Gratitude to all who provide ?owers, fresh linen and other needs for our church services; we thank all who participate in our worship programs: the acolytes, readers, organist, choir and instrumentalists. We thank all those who o?er hospitality following our services and express special acknowledgement to the o?ce sta? who serve with such kindly concern. Let us also express gratitude for our island community and for the integrity of those who attempt to accurately report and inform others of world and local events, including the editors of our local news media.

We pray that all may act for the highest good and we listen in silence for your voice.

At this time we would like to ask prayers and guidance for those on our Parish Prayer list including …. We o?er loving prayers for Dick Thompson and friends and family of his beloved wife, Patty, and the family of Jim Newland. (Please feel free now to add the names of anyone else who comes to mind. Including other families of the recently bereaved and anyone alone and in need of prayer. Any other intentions may be mentioned at this time, in silence or aloud.) We pray together with all our hearts that these prayers may be ful?lled through Christ our Lord, who is our rock and refuge. Amen.

Presider: In loving gratitude we thank you for hearing our prayers. You know better than we what is best, and we thank you for your presence in our lives, for this warm-hearted and benevolent congregation, and for our Island home. Help us all to recognize and walk in gratitude for your undying love. Amen.