Lector: Let us begin by giving thanks to you for our Bishop, Greg, for Berto and Hugh, our priests, and all ministers of your church, and all the faithful with whom we share this journey to You. We stand today with two great inspirations at our sides—St. Patrick whose respect for the old ways fostered a truly integrated and receptive form of Christianity in parts of the world, and St. Joseph, whose love of family and careful craftsmanship have continued to endear him to so many over the centuries. We thank them both for their guidance and inspiration.
With their example in mind let us pray for the Universal Church, understanding that all paths of loving service to others lead to Heaven’s Gate.
People: Help all to find their way to deepest truth and become more fully present to the ways of spirit.
God of justice, direct the hearts of those in authority. Let us pray for the Nation and all its leaders, especially our President, Donald, his cabinet, our governor, Jay, and all our elected representatives. Let us pray for the flowering of wisdom in all nations and all spiritual leaders throughout the world.
Help all to find their way to deepest truth and become more fully present to the ways of spirit.
Let us pray for the welfare of the world, offering hope and protection for refugees, relief from famine, and diminished suffering for all those who have been affected by recent shootings, devastating natural disasters, war, famine, and other challenges.
Especially, dear Lamb of God, please comfort and protect those who have had to flee their homes and those that may be separated from their families in ongoing political turmoil and confusion.
Help all to find their way to deepest truth and become more fully present to the ways of spirit.
Let us pray that our community work to find improved ways to care for the health of all, especially children in need. Teach us to see all children as you see them, remembering that what we do for them we do for you.
Help all to find their way to deepest truth and become more fully present to the ways of spirit.
Almighty Creator we entrust all to your care and love, particularly those we now name: Feel free now to call out the names of anyone you would like to add followed by a moment of silence).
We pray also for the deceased and the recently bereaved
Help all to find their way to deepest truth and become more fully present to your ways.
Even on the darkest days we are reminded that through the Christed consciousness you bring light to the world. Accept our petitions and forgive us our many failings in the radiance of your compassion. Let us be mindful that all people are welcome to your table, where together we celebrate the inheritance you have given to us. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
