Lector: My Lord, My love, my God—All nations bow before you. You are Almighty and Omnipresent and all- loving. Help us, Beloved Creator to understand your ways, and to grow in ful?lling the promise you have given us, that we might all be free to live and love as you have taught us. Help us to cast o? the chains of self-importance and to truly forgive all those who may have cast stones in our direction.
Teach us how to pray and to love as you have loved.
The world you created for us is sorely troubled. War, famine, and pollution overwhelm the innocent. Volcanoes spew. Deceit and chicanery surround us. Help us to ?nd positive ways to work together to lessen the destruction of the earth and to help those oppressed by war, tyranny, environmental abuse, and political tyranny, and other scourges.
Teach us the deepest meanings of your abiding love.
We thank you for the excellent mentors you have placed in our life. Particularly now do we mention our priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop, Gregory, and all the church leaders who inspire us in righteous action and understanding. Bless them and all spiritual leaders everywhere. You are the one and the many, the Great “I AM”.
May your love ?ow freely through your children, bringing about true healing and lasting faith.
We ask also that insight and compassion be foremost in all those who govern. Let us pray especially that our President, Donald, and our Governor, Jay, and their colleagues everywhere, be motivated by true wisdom. May all leaders let go of personal agendas and make decisions for the highest good.
Let us be peacemakers and sow seeds of compassion and understanding to replace the weeds of bitterness and resentment.
We ask for special blessings on the living creatures who are threatened and endangered. Help us to be good stewards of the earth and all sentient beings—wild and domestic—wherever they may be. So many of God’s creatures serve creation in ways we do not begin to appreciate. We thank them for their humble service.
Let us become better caretakers and stewards of this lovely island and the planet.
We fervently pray for healing blessings upon all those in our midst who su?er from loneliness, addictions, physical illness and other limiting states. Help us to hear their often unspoken pleas, and to respond in ways that are truly helpful. Touch the hearts of those who doubt You that they may know true peace.
At this time we would also especially ask for healing prayers for all those on our parish prayer list: ….
At this time you may wish to add special intentions of your own—whether for a loved person or yourself, aloud or silently (a moment of silence follows).
Compassionate prayers are o?ered to the recently bereaved in our midst. May the souls of the departed know the peace and joy of your in?nite love and grace, and may the bereaved feel your luminous presence in all that they do. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers. We trust you in your mercy to do what is best and to heal our troubled hearts.
Let us embrace all that is good, the word we have been given, the gift of your resurrection, and the gifts of all our parishioners as we join together in living the precious word you have given us.
Oh holy Creator, God beyond all Names–your goodness and abundance are far more than we know. We thank you for your many blessings, including the gifts of music, which have been so beautifully brought to our community this past week by our choir director, Marianne, with the help of many of our congregation.
Presider: Thank you for hearing these heartfelt prayers. We trust in the promise of the Resurrection that will unite all broken hearts and heal all troubled souls in the radiance of your eternal light. Amen.