Abba, Father! You sent your son that the world might be saved. May his message of peace, love, and justice ring throughout the nations, healing the wounds of hate and greed. Help us set aside our selfish interests to love one another.

Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship.

Abba, Father! Whom shall you send, who will go for us? It is the mission of your church to be the face of love in the world. “Here am I, Lord; send me!”

Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship.

Abba, Father! All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Let the many peoples of this nation, however they name you, be led by your spirit of love, compassion and justice.

Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship.

Abba, Father! We cannot enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and spirit, whose name is Jesus. Let us look upon our neighbors — the homeless, the hungry, the prisoner, the orphan, the widow, the immigrant — with hearts overflowing with Jesus’s love.

Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship.

Abba, Father! The universe itself, and our home the earth, is testimony to your awesome love. Help us to care for the earth, and everything that inhabits it, animate and inanimate, as the wondrous gift it is.

Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship.

Abba, Father! Our human flesh is vulnerable to sickness, injury, and death; our minds and souls to misery and despair. Baptize us in water and spirit; hold us in your steadfast love. Be with those we now name, silently or aloud (pause), especially those on our parish prayer list:

Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship.

Presider: God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.  Amen.