Lector: Oh Holy God, whose name we praise, whose name nature sings throughout the worlds, we thank you for your many blessings and pray that we might be more like the saints who light the way. You are everywhere! Your face is imprinted on the faces of children throughout the world: playing children, bright children, lost children, lonely children, sick children, children separated from their parents, children who are helpless victims of political agendas. We ask you with all our hearts to identify ways to protect those young ones who are imperiled, to keep them safe, that they do not go hungry and that all their needs be met. Help those in power to truly hear the voices of wisdom and compassion and to disdain self-interest.
People: Bless and protect these little ones and guide us to help them in the best way possible. May we become beacons of loving care in all we do.
We pray for our church leaders and spiritual leaders throughout the world that they might truly respond to the deep teachings of all faiths and act upon these profound and universal truths with love and justice.
May they become beacons of loving care in all they do.
Our eyes look to you, Heavenly Creator of all that is. Let us heed the wise teachings you have given. Your gifts of the bread of life are freely bestowed, yet often disregarded as we wander through the desert of our minds. We thank you for your abundance, for your patience. How is it possible to withhold our own share of these gifts, in the face of human need in so many parts of your creation?

May we share the bread of heaven as we become beacons of loving care for those in need.

We are so grateful for our parish priests, Berto and Hugh, whose wisdom and compassion we rely upon in so many ways. And we are thankful for the leadership of our Bishop and Presiding Bishop and all those whose kindness and broad vision offer opportunities to people of every race, creed, and gender identity.

We praise and bless all the good you give us. May we become beacons of loving care in all we do.

We pray for the leaders of nations: for our President, Donald, our governor, Jay, and for all representative bodies of government everywhere.

May they become beacons of loving care in all they do.

We thank you again and again for this beautiful island and the community which lives here. We especially thank you for our Emmanuel community, notably
the women of St. Agnes’ Guild, and their hard working friends and partners.
May we become beacons of loving care in all we do.
We thank you for all living creatures, and ask your protection for the endangered wildlife living on land and sea, including the young of every species. We ask that the raging fires cease, and that the forests and animals and humans be protected. May rain fall like manna from heaven.
Please keep us mindful and responsive to the needs of your creation. Help us to hear the voice of wisdom and to act upon it.
May we become beacons of loving care in all we do.
We ask particular blessings for those on our church prayer list:… and many others not formally mentioned, but living in our concerned hearts. Let us take a moment to reflect on their special needs either silently or aloud. (a moment) We pray also for the recently bereaved (including…) that they might find comfort and grace and acceptance of the Mystery of God’s ways.
May we become beacons of loving care in all we do.
Presider: Oh holy Creator, source of our being and of all that is. Please hear our prayers and help us to truly see and embrace your teachings. Help us to know you, and to respond to the beauty and simplicity of your wisdom. May all be graced with deeper understanding of our faith, and unflagging trust in You, as we keep our feet firmly on the path of love, as laid out for us by your son, Christ Jesus. Amen.