Precious Lord, we long to follow your blessed steps. Lead us in faithfulness and justice to be healers in a broken world. We ask your special care for those who suffer fear, oppression, loss of home, food, and safety.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, we long to follow in your blessed steps. If not we, your church, then who will do your work in the world? Give us discernment to know your purpose, near and far.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, we long to follow in your blessed steps. We have heard that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Strike this fear in the minds of our leaders, that they might govern in truth and equity.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, we long to follow in your blessed steps. Bless us with grace and compassion for those who lack food, shelter, safety, education, jobs and health care. Help us ensure that the basic needs of our neighbors are met.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, you gave us an earth of wonders — starry skies, green forests, flowered fields, snowy mountains, and fish and whale-filled seas. Help us to preserve this earth and its inhabitants, in abundance and health.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, we ask you to shower your generous and caring love on our beloved, who we now name silently and aloud (pause). We ask you to be with those in need of succor and support; who suffer pain of mind, body and soul; who grieve the loss of loved ones; who face uncertain housing and employment. We ask that you guide those who have recently passed into your heavenly home. We ask, especially, that you bend in love to the needs of those on our parish prayer list:

In Christ we pray.

Presider: Precious Lord, we give thanks to you, at all times and for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.