Holy Father-Mother God, Creator of All
We bow before you in wonder, and our hearts stir with praise knowing that your throne endures forever and ever. We look to you now for guidance and wisdom.
People: Let us listen and truly hear you.
Lector: We are most grateful to our presiding Bishop, Michael, our Bishop, Greg, and all leaders of our faith. We send prayers for their well-being as they navigate the sometimes stormy waters of church leadership. We especially thank you for our priests, Hugh and Berto, whose guidance and friendship inspire and help not only this Parish, but our larger community as well.
People: May they continue to listen and truly hear you.
Our prayers extend to all the spiritual leaders throughout the world, asking that their wisdom and influence help restore balance on this troubled planet.

May they continue to listen and truly hear you.
We pray for the leaders of nations throughout the world. May they become fully aware of the needs of all sentient beings here on this earth and work together to create balanced programs that harm no one and support nature.
People: May they listen and truly hear you.
Let all be slow to speak, knowing that anger does not lead to wisdom. Let our tongues, minds, and hearts let go of all that is not an expression of loving kindness towards our fellows.
People: May we listen and truly hear you.

Let us pray for our children and teachers as they begin the new school year. May love of knowledge and respect for each person’s abilities flower more fully in the hearts of all.
People: May all listen and truly hear you.
Let us pray for all those in need in our Parish and wider community. May they be blessed with warmth, comfortable surroundings, health care, education, fellowship, and whatever they need to realize their divine calling. Let us pray that those suffering from addictions of all kinds find their way out of the quagmire of obsession. Let us especially pray that all those who long for truth and peace find their way to You on whatever path their feet may find. We pray especially for those on our Parish Prayer List (please insert names). Let us now take time to add any other special intentions either silently or aloud: (a moment). Thank you for hearing these petitions, oh beloved Creator.
We pray also for the peaceful repose of all those who have recently died (mention names in our parish) including Senator James McCain and Aretha Franklin and others throughout the world. We thank them for all they have done to bring us closer to you.
People: May we all be inspired to continue their good example.
Presider: With open hearts we express gratitude to all those who hold the lantern of truth and guide us on our journey. You speak to us in so many ways, and yet you give us freedom to put our small selves first, even when that may mean we lose sight of your true meaning and intent. Help us to fully open our hearts to all your creation, to lose our self-importance, and to live only to serve you. Amen.