Lector: Precious Lord, we pray for your world, that we might know and
love each other as brothers and sisters, created all in your image.

We pray for your grace, that we may continually be given to good
Precious Lord, we pray for your church, that we might boldly approach
you, seeking mercy and finding grace to help in time of need.
We pray for your grace, that we may continually be given to good
Precious Lord, we pray for our nation, that we might heal the wounds
that divide us, seeking always the highest and common good.
We pray for your grace, that we may continually be given to good
Precious Lord, we pray for those without food, shelter, safety, without
income security and health care. You asked us to sell what we own and
give to the poor. Help us to trust in the treasure that we will find in
following you.

We pray for your grace, that we may continually be
given to good works.
Precious Lord, we love your creation — the mountains and seas, the
earth and air, the forests and flowers, and all creatures that swim, fly, and
leap among them. Help us to care for the miracle earth.
We pray for your grace, that we may continually be given to good
Precious Lord, we seek your grace in time of need, as we struggle with
suffering of mind, body, and spirit. Be with those who have recently
passed and their families. Be with those injured, sick, uncertain and
despairing. Be with our loved ones who we now name silently and aloud
(pause), including those on our parish prayer list:
We pray for your grace, that we may continually be given to good
Presider: We have faith, Lord, that you hear our heartfelt prayers. We ask
you to bend in compassion and mercy to those in need, and to the whole
of the world. Amen.