Lector: Dear God, Creator of all, We come to you in our weakness, asking you to hear our prayers, with reverent submission to your will, and gratitude for your Son, our teacher of serving others with humility, Jesus Christ. We pray for your churches to be instruments of your peace in the world, wherever there is fear and oppression. Holy God of all, bless and inspire the many who serve in your name.

We pray for our beloved Emmanuel parish, our priests, Father Berto and Father Hugh, the many ministries of this church, our Bishop, the Archbishop, and all churches of the world who are reading the spirit of your lessons today. Grant us your grace and guidance in our service to others. Holy God of all, in our weakness, lift us up.

Let us not seek to be served, but to serve, in your name, Lord. In our daily life, we thank you for nourishing our soul, energizing our mind and feeding our body, so that we may serve others with loving purpose, each in our unique way, as taught by your son Jesus Christ. Our help is in the Name of the Lord.

In our wildest, most daring dreams of peace in the world, we pray for wisdom for the leaders, welfare and safety for all people, nations and religions, to live with tolerance, respect and equality for all. Bless our United States in preparing for elections to be honest and unhampered. Grant us the fullness of your grace. Holy God of all, in our weakness, lift us up. Our trust is in the Name of the Lord.

We pray for those in unbearable circumstances, threatened, fearful, the prisoners, the homeless and hungry. Bless those who reach out to them. We pray for thousands of immigrants ?eeing their homes, those who cannot ?ee, and nations struggling with our shifting world population, when old ways are unstable. When we feel insecure, give us faith. Our help is in the Name of the Lord.

We pray for those in sickness, grief and loneliness, either quietly or aloud, (…pause…), for each of our unspoken needs, (…pause…) and especially for those we now name: …
Grant them your healing peace and loving grace. Our help is in the Name of the Lord.

We pray for those who have died, those we hold in our hearts, and those who have gone before us to your heavenly joy. Comfort those who mourn. Our peace is in the Name of the Lord, the Light of the world and Savior of our souls.

We pray for our earthly home, the air, water, forests, animals and ecosystems you have perfectly created. We are gravely concerned for the damage we are causing to our earth and atmosphere. When our life styles take us away from you, Lord, refresh our vision. Bring us to urgent action to change our support of destructive enterprises on our earth. Lead us to new awareness of our daily habits. Teach us to save and sustain our world, with your guidance and grace. Our help is in the Name of the Lord, the Light of our world.

Presider: Dear God, Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who loves us each beyond our knowing. Open our hearts to the fullness of your grace. Lead us one thought at a time, with the salt in ourselves, to be at peace with one another and with our earth. Guide us each into trust and faith as your servants. We ask this in the name of Jesus, your son and servant who died for us. Amen.