Lector:Oh Great Mystery, wondrous creator of all that is–seen and unseen– we invite your Holy Spirit to be present with us, to hear our prayers and praises, to bless us and help us to keep our feet firmly on the path of love and service.  Let us rejoice and be glad of your presence now and forever.

Let us share in all good things.

Holy One, all the earth sings your name.  We praise and thank you for the great gifts brought our community through our pastors, Berto and Hugh; our Bishop, Greg, our Presiding Bishop, Michael, and faith leaders everywhere  who share Christ’s holy teaching with the multitudes. Keep them steadfast and strong as long as they shall be here on earth. May they be seen as  beacons of peace.

Let us share in all good things.

Holy One, do not allow our feet to slip. Bless the leaders of governments everywhere. Help them to see that wrongs can be repaired for the benefit of all. Help them to hear and respond to  the voice of wisdom and compassion that sounds deep within the heart of all creation. May elected officials of every stripe become beacons of peace, wherever they go.

Let us share in all good things.

We ask special blessings for families everywhere. May they know love and support within their homes and from the community.  May we say only truthful, loving things about one another and reach out freely when help is needed. May peace come to troubled homes.

Let us share in all good things.

We pray for the visitors to our island and their safe travels.  We ask blessings for the children in our camps, that they be safe and happy during their stay,  and that they discover new ways to protect the beautiful creation you have given.

Let us share in all good things.

Holy One, comfort those who spend the night weeping. Clasp them to your breast and let them know the eternal light that shines within every soul.  We ask special prayers for all those on our parish prayer list  and we also ask your blessings for others in need at this time (Pause to reflect and think of names not already mentioned, either silently or aloud);we think also here of those affected by  natural disasters, by warfare, by immigration status, and especially for mistreated children. Let us be gentle and loving to all transgressors, knowing that all are capable of making new starts.   Let us never hesitate to reach out toward others, sharing what we have, asking for help, when needed. Forgiving, when necessary. 

Let us share in all good things.

Presider:  Great Mystery,  please hear these, the prayers of your people, who pray not only for themselves but to relieve the confusion in our world.  Help us to be more united and less divisive, to find our way fully to a peaceful and joyful realization of the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever.  Amen