Lector:Loving Creator, Author of All that Is, hear the words of your children as they echo across time.  We of Emmanuel are especially grateful for our daily abundance: we thank you for love, for friendship, for beauty, for fresh water and clean air, for our Orcas community. We thank you for wise and wonderful spiritual leadership:  our priests, Berto and Hugh, our bishop, Greg, and our Archbishop Michael, and Justin of Canterbury. May your blessings and support for the unique gifts of spiritual leaders and teachers flow freely in the hearts of seekers everywhere.

 People:  Hear us, Beloved.

Loving Creator, your son, Jesus Christ, told us that his most important teaching was that we love one another as ourselves. Help us to become more aware of how we might more fully activate this teaching in our daily life.  We pray fervently that  all those who wield power realize this highest teaching, thereby governing in accordance with your Golden Mean. We pray earnestly for our President, Donald, our Governor, Jay, and those in power in foreign countries.

Hear us, Beloved.

We earthlings need to do a better job of upholding your creation.  Help us to decry and eliminate racism in all its forms, starting with ourselves.  Help us to turn back the damage done to the environment by human wastefulness and greed. Help us to care for all your children so that none starve and all might have necessary medical care and education. Help us to find a way to live in balance and harmony with all of creation. May these prayers resound like ringing bells throughout the aching world. May your response  impel the hardest hearts to be awash with love  as they humbly assume their places at the foot of your banquet table.  

Hear us, Beloved.

We thank you for our visitors from near and far.  Some seek shelter here from foreign warlords. Let us consider each person part of our larger family, keeping foremost in mind that we are one, united in your global embrace.. And let us pray for all who have lost their homes in the wake of war, tyranny, and appropriation.  May we all find our way to the truest  home, that of a loving heart. 

 Hear us, Beloved.

We pray for all in need of healing body, mind, and spirit, especially those we now name: (insert Parish Prayer List).  In addition we add, silently or aloud, others whom we know are in special need of prayer at this time (a pause). May those who mourn be consoled, may all be well. 

Hear us, Beloved.

Presider:Beloved and mysterious God-  Straighten our minds when they are bent;  open our hearts when they are closed.  Let us never lose sight of those in need, or the light that leads to you. We ask this in the name of the Great Mystery that has given us our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen