Eternal God, we pray for your church and its leaders especially our Presiding Bishop Michael, our Bishop Greg, our priests Berto and Hugh, may they lead us like Moses did so we may love you, walk in your ways and obey your commandments.

Our delight is in the law of the LORD

Eternal God, we pray for these United States especially for our President Donald, our Governor Jay and the Congress and Legislature, may they make wise decisions on our behalf so we can be safe and free.

Our delight is in the law of the LORD

Eternal God, we pray for this precious Earth our only home in the vast expanse of space, may leaders settle disputes without war, protect the land, sea and air from pollution that harms your creation.

Our delight is in the law of the LORD

Eternal God, we give thanks for all who contributed to our Restore, Preserve and Share campaign enabling us to meet our goal to be good stewards of your church Emmanuel. 

Our delight is in the law of the LORD

Eternal God, we pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, unemployment or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list…; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

Our delight is in the law of the LORD

Eternal God, we pray for all who have died and those that mourn.  Help us to take comfort in our memories and be inspired by their actions so we may believe what we have not seen and trust where we cannot test just your philosopher Søren Kierkegaard did. 

Our delight is in the law of the LORD

Presider:  Eternal God, thank-you for hearing the prayers of your people, please help us to accept your response and guide us to walk in your ways through your son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.