Lector:  Precious Lord, the works of your hands are faithfulness and justice.  Let the songs your people sing praise the marvel of your creation and ring out justice for all living things.

Lord, may we be continually given to good works.

Precious Lord, you caution us, your church, to avoid wrangling over words.  Help us to present ourselves mature in Christ, rightly explaining the truth of your love for the world.  

Lord, may we be continually given to good works.

Precious Lord, as we consider the purpose of our great nation, we recall that you are steadfastly gracious and full of compassion.  Let grace and compassion, too, be the emblems of our faces and voices as we seek liberty and justice for all.  

Lord, may we be continually given to good works.

Precious Lord, your commandments sing of truth and equity.  Let us remember them as we respond to the cries of our neighbors who suffer hunger, fear, homelessness, and oppression. 

Lord, may we be continually given to good works.

Precious Lord, your work is full of majesty and splendor.  Help us to honor the wonder of  creation by protecting its fragile beauty and health.  We thank you for our children, who are leading the way.

Lord, may we be continually given to good works.

Precious Lord, you promise us that faith will make us well.  We ask, in faith, that you might be with our friends and families, and all those who suffer illness, injury, fear, anger, depression, and uncertainty.  Be with those who have recently passed and those who grieve them.  Be especially with those we now name, silently and around (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:

Lord, may we be continually given to good works.

Presider:  Precious Lord, we trust, as you have promised, that your grace will precede and follow us as we dedicate ourselves to good works.  Amen.