Lector: Precious Lord, comfort our hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word as we reach out to heal our broken world.   Assist us in ministering to the fearful, the injured, the sick, those suffering injustice and violence, the hungry and homeless.   

May we purify ourselves as he is pure.

Precious Lord, lead your church in loving-kindness as we attend to the needs of the orphans, the oppressed, the widows, the strangers seeking safety and justice here on our beautiful Orcas island and around the world.

May we purify ourselves as he is pure.

Precious Lord, be with the leaders of our country as we consider our responsibility to the well-being of our brothers and sisters in the United States and around the world.  Be with our leaders as they legislate for the well-being of this precious Earth we call home.

May we purify ourselves as he is pure.

Precious Lord, your eyes are fixed on justice.  Let our eyes be also, as we advocate for those in need of healthcare, food, shelter, employment, education, and child care.  

May we purify ourselves as he is pure.

Precious Lord, listen to our prayers for our home, the earth, whose seas and skies and forests and fields, whose multitudes of species we have ravaged in our need and greed.  In honor of your creation, help us to restore the health and balance of nature.

May we purify ourselves as he is pure.

Precious Lord, through grace you give us eternal comfort and good hope.  Be with our families and friends who suffer ill health, injury, confusion, anxiety, anger, addiction, depression, and economic uncertainty.  Be with the souls of those who have passed and those who grieve them.  In you, all are alive!  Be also with those we now name, silently and aloud (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:

May we purify ourselves as he is pure.

Presider:  We call upon you, God, for you will answer us.  Show us your marvelous loving-kindness.  In your paths our feet will not stumble.  Amen.