Glory to God for your steadfastness and encouragement that we should live in harmony with one another. We pray for peace in our homes, our neighborhoods, in our cities and towns, across our country, and around the earth.

We pray, Lord, for peace and healing.

Glory to God! Like Jesse, we, the members of your church, seek to be branches of wisdom and understanding, so that the peoples of the earth might know your gracious love.

We pray, Lord, for peace and healing.

Glory to God! We pray that the leaders of our country, and leaders around the world, find the wisdom and will to rule their peoples righteously, defending the needy and rescuing the poor from oppression.

We pray, Lord, for peace and healing.

Glory to God! Let us welcome one another into our hearts, as Christ welcomes us. During these dark days of winter, inspire us to open our homes and hearts to those who are hungry and cold, who seek comfort and consolation.

We pray, Lord, for peace and healing.

Glory to God for the magnificence of the earth, for its mountains and valleys and rivers and seas, for its plains and deserts and heavenly skies. Glory to God for all species who call earth home. We commit ourselves to their health and preservation.

We pray, Lord, for peace and healing.

Glory to God! We know, Lord, that there is joy and peace in believing. We believe that you are with those who are sick and injured, who are depressed and despairing, who are angry or confused. We believe that you are with those who are not safe in their homes. We believe that you are with those who suffer addiction, and the families and friends who love them. We believe that you are with the recently departed, and the families and friends who grieve them. We believe that you are with those we love and whom we now name, silently and aloud (pause). We believe that you will extend your healing love to those on our parish prayer list:

We pray, Lord, for peace and healing.

Presider: We thank you, Lord, for the blessings of our lives. Grant us the abundance of your peace. Amen