Intercessor:   Precious Lord, we are deeply thankful for the scientists and workers who developed and are distributing the vaccines that will end the worldwide pandemic. Be with our exhausted health- care workers, who have have stood by us through unimaginable loss and suffering.

In Christ, we pray.

Precious Lord, be with church leaders and lay workers, especially our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our vestry, staff, and Agape team, whose work it has been to guide us through remote worship and to tend to the emotional, spiritual, and physical health of the Emmanuel community and the larger island community during this time of unprecedented need.

In Christ, we pray.

Precious Lord, be with the leaders of our nation as they reach out to those suffering hunger and housing insecurity, who have lost jobs and health; help us support children and teachers who very much want to return to school. We especially ask you to be with the people of Texas, who have suffered so greatly during the recent winter cold.

In Christ, we pray.

Precious Lord, we call out the names of the half-million Americans, and those others around the world, who have passed from the virus this year. We ask you to embrace them, and all who have passed, in your abundant and everlasting love. Comfort their families and friends in grief and despair.

In Christ, we pray.

Precious Lord. as we experience more extreme weather events, help us to consider how our personal behaviors affect the well being of the planet. Help us to care for the earth, so that we might restore its perfection and ensure the survival of its abundant and beautiful life and, therefore, our own.

In Christ, we pray.

Precious Lord, whose glory is mercy, be with those who suffer in body, mind, and spirit; with the lonely, the despairing, the angry and anxious. Help us be the comforting word and touch that will encourage their journey toward well being. Be especially with the family and friends we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list: 

Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week: 

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants, Bronwen Jones (2/29), Rose Beckwith (3/2), and Stephie Mac (3/2) as they begin another year.  Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in you.