Intercessor:  Holy Creator—before you we are in awe. We thank and praise you for this amazing planet, our lovely island, for our beloved priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop Greg, our Presiding Bishop Michael, and spiritual leaders everywhere.  May we heed their example and guidance.

Let us recognize in all of creation, and respond with love in all we do.

Today we celebrate our nation’s independence. We admit that we have failed to live the dream envisioned by our founders in so many ways, for so many years. Help us to create the world that you would have us make, where ALL your children—people of all colors, religions, and gender preferences—are treated with love and respect.  

Let us recognize you in all of creation, and respond with love in all we do.

We pray for our political leaders, for Joe and Kamala, for Jay and for all those working to make a better world, including  Debra, our own dear Cindy, with her co-commissioners, Christine and Jamie. Keep them wise as they work to resolve the tangled problems that beset governance.

Let us recognize you in all of creation, and respond with love in all we do.

We pray for and thank our farmers, doing their best to care for the land and for our people as well, including those who provide fresh food to the Food Bank. We thank them all, and thank all those whose service to others helps to make our island a vibrant place to live.  May rain fall when needed, and the winds gentle.

Let us recognize you in all of creation, and respond with love in all we do.

Cast out the demons of selfishness and greed that lurk in our hearts.  The very earth herself cries out. Grant us the moral courage to protect her forests from fires, the resolve to cleanse the corrupted ocean waters, and the compassion to save the remaining animals and plants from losing their habitats. May we be simple in our needs and live as you asked your disciples to do, so that all else may simply live. 

Let us recognize you in all of creation, and respond with love in all we do. 

We pray for those on our Parish Prayer List including those we name here : (please pray slowly)   … and for those for whom no one prays, may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.  and at this time we add our special concerns and intentions (pause).

Let us recognize you in all of creation, and respond with love in all we do.

We pray here for those recently bereaved. . .  We pray for all those lost in the collapse of an apartment building in Florida May the eternal souls of the suffering know deep peace, and may those who mourn know the reassurance of your infinite love, in Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.