Intercessor: Oh Lord, we pray, save our lives from the destruction
that we have wrought through misdirected and greedy purpose.
Help us restore the health of our planet, to heal our brothers and
sisters who are sick, and to work tirelessly for peace among
nations and neighbors.
In Christ’s precious name, we pray.
Oh Lord, gracious are you and righteous; your heart is full of
compassion. Help us, your church, to be the hearts and hands of
your graciousness. Fill our hearts with compassion. Be especially
with our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our lay leaders, as they
ponder the direction of Emmanuel Church.
In Christs’s precious name, we pray.

Oh Lord, you love the good teacher. Be with our precious
teachers and children as they return to school, that they might
find joy in the classroom again. Protect them from harm and
sickness throughout the year.
In Christ’s precious name, we pray.
Oh Lord, you warn us to tame our tongues, a restless evil.
Particularly in these partisan times, help us to speak truth to
injustice and to tame hate with love, that we might be a nation of
peace and goodness.
In Christ’s precious name, we pray.
Oh Lord, we pray your love for the innocent of the world; we
pray for those lives brought low by poverty, war, sickness,
injustice; for those who have lost their homes to storms, fires,
floods, and earthquakes. There is great need for healing words and
touch. Help us to be those words and soothing hands.
In Christ’s precious name, we pray.
Oh Lord, what will it profit us to gain the whole world and forfeit
our lives? We see your warning played out, quite literally, in our
destruction of the planet. Help us to restore health to our earthly
home, to respect life in all its exquisite forms, so that our children
and their children might inherit a beautiful world.
In Christ’s precious name, we pray.
Oh Lord, you have rescued my life from death, my eyes from
tears, and my feet from stumbling. Be with our precious brothers
and sisters who cry and stumble, who find death all-too-present
company. Restore them to well-being, especially those we now
name silently and aloud (pause), including those on our parish
prayer list…(please pray slowly):

and those for whom
no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.
May their caregivers and health care providers be
strengthened by your Spirit.
In Christ’s precious name, we pray.