Intercessor:  Dearest Lord, like the man who asked Jesus, “What must I do?” to gain eternal life, we stumble, for we have many possessions. Help us to open our hearts and purses to those in need.

In the name of our most precious Jesus, we pray.

Dearest Lord, Jesus is clear that the first will be last and the last shall be first in his kingdom. Help us to remember that the mission of your church is compassion and loving service.

In the name of our most precious Jesus, we pray.

Dearest Lord, if the goal of our nation is to be a city on a hill, help us to look, first, to those in need. Our light is your compassionate love.

In the name of our most precious Jesus, we pray.

Dearest Lord, you ask us to sell what we own, give the money to the poor, and to follow you. Open our hearts to those suffering hunger, homelessness, and the traumas of war and climate change, especially the needy at the gate.

In the name of our most precious Jesus, we pray.

Dearest Lord, this beautiful earth is proof of the magnificence of your love. We abound in its beauty. Help us to care for your creation with tenderness and awe.

In the name of our most precious Jesus, we pray.

Dearest Lord, your word is living and active. We approach you seeking mercy for those who suffer sickness, injury, anxiety, depression, and fear. We ask you to comfort the dying and their families. From the uncertainty of our own lives, we ask you to lift up in love the family and friends we now name (pause), including the brothers and sisters on our parish prayer list: (Please pray slowly): … and those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

In the name of our most precious Jesus, we pray.