Oh Great Sacred Mystery: today we are told of the seven spirits who are but drops in the ocean of your greatness.  You are the Alpha and the Omega, the one without a second.  You are compassion, wisdom, justice, truth, beauty, courage and devotion, utter magnificence, and so much more. You teach us to be humble, to love your creation, and to treat all as God.  You have sent us wonderful examples through the grace of our pastors, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop, Greg, and our presiding bishop, Michael, and so many others.  Keep them, with spiritual leaders everywhere, attuned to your deep love and all-encompassing truth.

We thank you for their leadership and care. We pray that all may hear deeply and truly listen to your voice.

We pray for those affected by recent floods, for those whose dreams, education, and livelihood have been curtailed by the pandemic, for all those suffering from addictions, warfare, tyranny, flood and famine.  Help us to be truly helpful to your children in need, both here on our island home and in the greater world.

Hear our pleas, oh Great Mystery and Source of Wisdom. 

Strengthen us in our prayer life so that purity of intention may influence better outcomes as we turn to a humbler way of living. Help us to see and act with truth and generosity and courage as we work to heal our troubled world. Our prayer is that all the tribes of the earth hear and rejoice in your message of infinite love, no matter what language, race, cultural tradition, species, or sexual orientation.

Hear our pleas, oh Great Mystery and Source of Wisdom.

Ongoing physical and emotional challenges confront us at every turn.  Teachers and students and parents face particular difficulties as the pandemic continues to limit our activities. Tempers sometimes grow short and the light of love seems hidden behind dark clouds.  Brighten our path as we learn greater compassion for ourselves and others.

Hear our pleas, oh Great Mystery and Source of Wisdom.

 We pray together now for those on our Parish Prayer List: (Please read slowly) and those for whom no one prays.   

Let us now take a moment to offer prayers for those special concerns known privately to us (a generous moment to mention, silently or aloud, persons and concerns). Let us regularly take time to remember all these particular intentions throughout the week.   

Hear our pleas, oh Great Mystery and Source of Wisdom.

And let us join in prayer for the recently bereaved, including Abby Rueb and family, and the family of Joyce Burghardt. May all find peace and infinite love in your eternal kingdom.

Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week: 

O God, our times are in your hand:  Look with favor, we pray, on your servants Steve Diepenbrock (11/21), George Karnikis (11/22), Barbara Evans (11/24), Doug Schliebus (11/26) as they begin another year.  Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Let us pray for those celebrating Anniversaries this week:

Grant, O God, in your compassion, that, John & Rose Beckwith (11/24), having taken each other in marriage, and affirming again the covenant which they have made, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.