Beloved Christ, This is winter time for the world’s soul.  Grant that we not lose hope, that the health care workers not lose heart, that we remember Julian of Norwich’s assurances that “All Shall be well” …

Outside the rain pours, people are losing their homes, dishonesty and factions tear families asunder.  Where now is the star of hope that marked the time of your birth? We must trust that goodness will prevail, that disease will be overcome, that broken hearts will heal, but we beseech you to help us with this;  the need is so very present, in so very many ways.

Out of the night we cry unto you.

Grant strength and fortitude to our beloved priests, Berto and Hugh, to our Bishop Greg, our Archbishop Michael, and all spiritual leaders who are struggling to keep the arc afloat in rising waters.  We are deeply grateful for them and the service they render so freely.  Bestow upon them your highest gifts, oh dear beloved One.

Out of the night we cry unto you.

Grant wisdom and perseverance to political leaders and scientists who are trying to find a way through this welter of ongoing disease and confusion.

Out of the night we cry unto you.

Grant insight and courage and creativity and good humor to teachers and their students as they struggle to keep education alive and sound. Keep them healthy in mind, soul and body.

Out of the night we cry unto you.

Grant safety, shelter and food to all your children in need: animal and human. Sustain and hearten those afflicted by natural disaster and war, those struggling with mental illness and addictions, and families suffering from confusion and despair. 

Out of the night we cry unto you.

Grant special strength and peace to all those for whom we now pray on our parish prayer list: … and those for whom no one prays.

Out of the night we cry unto you.

Our hearts join in asking for peaceful resolutions to the problems of loved ones whose names were not mentioned above. And so at this time we add the names of special concerns known to us (Pause – speak silently or aloud) —————————-. You, Beloved, know what is best.  We put our trust in you.

Out of the night we cry unto you.

Let us pray fervently for the families of all those who have recently died. (Pause – speak silently or aloud) ———————-.

May the living be comforted and the fallen know your deep peace.

Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week: 

O God, our times are in your hand:  Look with favor, we pray, on your servants Elizabeth Nelson Lui (1/20) as she begins another year.  Grant that she may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen her trust in your goodness all the days of her life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.