Precious Lord, in the spirit of reconciliation that is Easter, let the peoples of the world be reconciled in peace and respect for freedom, dignity, equality, and justice. Be especially
with the people of Ukraine, Afghanistan, and others who suffer the terror and displacement of war.
Peace be with you.
Precious Lord, in the spirit of reconciliation that is Easter, be with our priests, Berto and Hugh, with our vestry, staff, our lay leaders and members of our parish as we strive to love you with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and our neighbors as ourselves.
Peace be with you.

Precious Lord, in the spirit of reconciliation that is Easter, help us hold to our hearts the poor, the widow, the strangers in our community, that all might feel welcome at our table. Help us to find homes for the homeless, food for the hungry, and truth and justice for those suffering
Peace be with you.

Precious Lord, in the spirit of reconciliation that is Easter, be with the representatives of our
government that they might put the welfare of the diverse American people and the American
landscape above selfish and partisan purposes, so that our democracy, our people, and our land
might thrive.
Peace be with you.

Precious Lord, in the spirit of reconciliation that is Easter, help us to bind our hearts to the
species inhabiting the seas and skies and landscapes that nurture our bodies and souls. We bend in awe at the marvels of your creation; we dedicate ourselves to its preservation.
Peace be with you.

Precious Lord, we have not touched your wounds, but like others of faith, we believe that your goodness and mercy endures forever. Be with those suffering sickness and injury. Heal their wounds. Be with those who suffer depression, anxiety, fear, and anger. Lift their souls. Be with those who have recently passed and the families and friends who grieve them. Mend their broken hearts. Be with those for whom no one prays, that they might be seen. Be with our dear friends and family members we now name (pause), and especially for those on our parish prayer list.. and for those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy
Spirit. Peace be with you.