Ever-living God, we pray for all who worship you, especially our leaders: Michael, our Presiding Bishop, Greg, our Bishop and Hugh, our priest and all of us who have been baptized by your Holy Spirit, may we love one another.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

Ever-living God, we pray for our Rector, Berto who we remember in our hearts. Refresh him in body, renew him in mind, and refill his heart with the depths of your love.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

Ever-living God, we pray for these United States asking that we and our leaders learn to put aside our differences so there may indeed be liberty and justice for all.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

Ever-living God, we pray for all nations of the world especially those torn apart by war and those recovering from earthquakes, fires and floods as well as those struggling to welcome refugees.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

Ever-living God, we pray for Orcas Island that we love along with the surrounding Salish Sea and neighboring Islands. Help those that work and volunteer to govern these islands, be respectful and appreciative of each other despite differences of opinion.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

Ever-living God, we pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, unemployment, mental illness or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list and those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

O God, raise up strength for your people.

Ever-living God, we pray for those near death, those that stand watch, those that have died and those who mourn. We remember a small number of Episcopal and Roman Catholic clerical and lay leaders in the Sudan who on this date in 1983 declared they “would not abandon God as they knew him.” May we also be steadfast in our faith. O God, raise up strength