Eternal God,we give thanks for your church and its leaders who teach us to turn to you with all 0our heart and with all our soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We pray we listen faithfully to their teaching and remember the Samaritan who knew that discerning who our neighbor is should not be difficult.

Eternal God, we put our trust in you.

Eternal God,we give thanks for Hugh who is ably leading your Emmanuel flock during Berto’s sabbatical. We are blessed by his faithful service and pray that he is aware of your love and our love during Berto’s absence. We ask that Berto’s time with his family in Puerto Rico restores his body and soul so he may return to us on August 14 refreshed to lead us forward.

Eternal God, we put our trust in you.

Eternal God,we give thanks for our nation and ask that you open the minds and hearts of our leaders so they may guide us through conflicted times to protect all people so we may live in peace and safety.

Eternal God, we put our trust in you.

Eternal God, we give thanks for the beauty of the earth and the joy of summer here while our neighbors in the Southern hemisphere enjoy the delights of winter. We pray that all who are in harm’s way from war, terrorism or natural disasters be protected and comforted by your Holy Spirit.

Eternal God, we put our trust in you.

Eternal God, we give thanks for our creation, preservation and all the blessings of this temporal life. We pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, unemployment, mental illness or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list… and those for whom no one prays. Eternal God, save the weak and the orphan; defend the humble and needy; rescue the weak and the poor; deliver them from the power of the wicked.

Eternal God, we put our trust in you.

Eternal God,we give thanks for the lives of saints and all the departed. We pray that those who mourn be comforted.

Eternal God, we put our trust in you.