We Pray for the World and the Church
Remain standing as the Intercessor leads us in prayer.
Intercessor: O God, we are grateful for you.
Our soul waits for the Lord who is our help and our shield.

O God, we are grateful to you for your church. We thank-you for
our Bishops and Priests who remind us that you God did not give
us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power, of love and
of self- discipline so that we may be your servants in this world.
O God, our strength.
We praise you for your power.

O God, we are grateful to you for these United States. We ask that
our leaders listen to your spirit to protect all residents to live in
peace and freedom. O God, our Shield.
We praise you for your protection.

O God, we are grateful to you for the beauty of this earth. We ask
that world leaders find the path to peace rather than conflict and
war. O God, our Comfort.
We praise you for your solace.

O God, we are grateful to you for Orcas Island and the
surrounding Salish Sea. We ask that as the weather changes that
our community can house all islanders in warmth and security.
O God, our Inspiration.
We praise you for your renewal.

O God, we are grateful to you for our neighbors whom you
taught to love as ourselves. We ask that your spirit comfort all
who suffer in body, mind or spirit; from addiction, unemployment,
mental illness or homelessness, particularly those we now
name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on
our parish prayer list… Challen… Judy & Doug… Lindalena
& Jim… Ingrid… Stephen… Jon… the Class family…
Luka… Becky… Sara… Evelyn… Zach… Effie, Stephen,
and Calder… Margaret… Fred… Elyse… Jan… Steve &
Nancy… Carl… the Cook family… Bill… Audrey… Dave…
Janet… Carl & Julianna… Lynne… the Olszewski family…
Chris & Laura… John… Bruce… Neris… Lee and her
family… and those for whom no one prays, may they be
comforted by your Holy Spirit.
We also pray for the recently departed and those near death,
asking that your spirit comfort them as well as those that mourn.
O God, our Life.
We praise you for your grace.

O God, we are grateful to you for all the saints that have gone
before us, especially St. Francis of Assisi. O God, of all.
We praise you for your love.

Let us pray for those celebrating birthdays this week:
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we
pray, on your servants Amanda Reid (10/2), Kathi Anderson
(10/3), and Joyce Schultz (10/6) as they begin another year.
Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and
strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their
lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us pray for those celebrating anniversaries this week:
Grant, O God, in your compassion, that Gil & Karen Blinn
(10/7) and Robert & Louise Tucker (10/7) having taken
each other in marriage, and affirming again the covenant
which they have made, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and
love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have
promised through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.