Lindalena Dingman who has a Master’s Degree in Gerontology from Kansas State University and has taught this class before for Skagit Valley College at the Orcas Senior Center and a long time volunteer there will be teaching the class The class focuses on providing information on the latest research that enhances healthy aging and also benefits chronic illnesses. Through interactive discussion, health surveys and hand-outs the class will answer questions on vitamin requirements, physical activity, cognitive exercises, and chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardio, and arthritis plus strategies for strengthening the body before surgery. On completion of the class, participants should have a general knowledge of their own health status plus an awareness of the importance of preventive health. The class begins on Wednesday, September 10th. From 1 – 2:30 P.M. at Benson Hall and will continue on Wednesdays till October 8th The class is free and everyone is welcomed to join.
Enhancements for Healthy Aging Class
Benson Hall