Sunday February 27, 2022 at 11:30am via Zoom

Our annual parish meeting will be on Sunday February, 27 at 11:30am. Due to the current restrictions on public assemblies, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our annual meeting will be via Zoom.

We need to have at least 25 “qualified electors” in order to have a quorum. Our parish bylaws explain who qualified electors are:

  1. baptized persons who are faithful in corporate worship, who have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion in the Parish at least 3 times in the preceding 12 months (unless good cause prevented) [The Pandemic is sufficient good cause]
  2. and who have a recorded pledge to the support of the Parish with money or with personal service, as determined by the Rector (or if there is none, as shown by the books of the Parish Treasurer.
We strongly encourage all “qualified electors” to attend.
The list of qualified electors is inside the Annual Report.

If you are unsure if you have a recorded pledge, or you forgot to send yours in for 2022, please contact Bill or Margie Bangs before Sunday!

The Zoom meeting information is the following
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 1353 2606
Passcode: 377707

Nominations for vestry
We asked for “qualified electors” to consider being nominated to be elected as vestry members in this annual meeting. The Vestry received nominations. These are the qualified electors who have accepted nominations for election to a three year term:
1. George Eberle
2. Stewart Mehlman
3. Anthony Terndrup

The vestry also received the nomination and acceptance as Delegate to Diocesan Convention of
Catherine Ellis and of Deborah Sparks as Alternate to Diocesan Convention.

This year, due to the need to have a virtual annual meeting, we are trying to keep it as simple as possible and try to avoid the need to vote. The Bishop has encouraged us to strive for unanimous consent.

Please check the Special Rules suggested by our Diocese to be adopted at our meeting.
Parish Annual Report
Parish Bylaws