Lector: Oh holy Creator, in your wisdom help us to be open to all possible expressions of your love through the gifts of faith, hope, and charity. Let us receive with open hearts the healing balm of Gilead that is here for all who seek it.
All: May we take refuge in you and be present to your abiding love.
Lector: Blessings and gratitude to all those who serve us within this church and in the widespread expression of divine wisdom throughout the world. We are most grateful for the service of our priests and teachers and all those to whom we look for guidance, including Berto and Hugh, our pastors, Michael, our Presiding Bishop, and Greg, our Bishop. We pray for all other spiritual leaders of every faith throughout the world and thank them for their ongoing service to your creation.
All: May we take refuge in you and be present to your abiding love.
Lector: We pray ardently that the world’s leaders may guide nations into making good choices to secure peace for the world and health for the planet and all beings.
All: May we take refuge in you and be present to your abiding love.
We ask for help and protection for all those suffering homelessness, imprisonment, hunger, and loss of loved ones due to ongoing wars, hurricanes, earthquakes and fires. May needed assistance reach them in timely and appropriate ways. May each of us continue to find ways to help those in need as appropriate to our abilities and gifts.
All: May we take refuge in you and be present to your abiding love.
Lector: We ask help for all those suffering from diseases, addictions, abuse, and other afflictions. May they meet these challenges with grace and resilience.
You are our refuge. May all on our parish prayer list find comfort in your wisdom and love especially the following:

Lector: We ask special healing for all who are grieving at this time including the families and all those other bereaved souls not mentioned here.
All: Let the perpetual light shine upon them.

Presider: Dear Creator-God, in time of trial and confusion we turn to you as in no other time. Like Moses, who saw you face to face, let us hold our faith in the possibility of a land of harmony and plenty where the basic needs of all are met. Let us always heed the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Help us to recognize your divine plan and to act in accordance with it. We have so much to be grateful for: clean water, the beauty of our island, the kindness of our caring community. Help us to avoid selfish concerns and to uphold this life as your exceptional gift. Let us do our utmost to promote the well-being of all the earth.
And we thank you for the approaching blessings of All Souls and All Saints days. May all welcome your gifts of light and laughter and comfort. We thank all those who participate in our festival on the labyrinth—those who prepare and serve food, and those who walk it. And those who provide the Great Pumpkin.   Amen.