Protect us who have not seen and yet have come to believe.

O Lord, we pray for your church that we, acting on your behalf, may fulfil your mission.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for Catherine, our presiding bishop, Greg, our bishop, Kate and Wray, our clergy that they may be aware and inspired by your Holy Spirit to lead us.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for Barack, our President, Jay, our Governor and all leaders of the world that they may lead us into a new birth of peace.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for those who face violence, especially those in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the Ukraine that they may find comfort in you as they pray for peace.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for the oceans, air, mountains, plants, and soil, that life and health may again pulse in them.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for those who face sadness and uncertainty, especially those affected by the ferry disaster in Korea and the mudslide in Oso that they may catch a glimpse of the Easter promise even though they may be mired in an ongoing Lenten journey.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we give thanks for the loving ministry of Kate and Wray over this last year and ask you to bless them with health and joy as they continue their life with us.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for wisdom for our Wardens, Vestry and Search Committee that they may be aware and inspired by your Holy Spirit to lead us.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for all who suffer mentally or physically, especially those on our parish prayer list, that though they may doubt, they may be led with Thomas to cry out: “My Lord and my God”.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

O Lord, we pray for those who have died and for those who mourn, that they may have rest knowing your love.

Protect us, O God, for we take refuge in you.

Celebrant: O Lord, though we may not see you now, our faith leads us to take refuge in you, give us the strength to be your servants upon this earth. Amen.