Hurricane Harvey Relief
All of our undesignated plate offerings on the first Sunday of each month go to our Rector’s Discretionary (Benevolence) Fund. This Sunday, Fr. Berto has designated that all such offerings will be sent to the EPISCOPAL RELIEF & DEVELOPMENT HURRICANE HARVEY FUND. Please be generous – both cash and check are welcome! Donations to this […]
Severe Cold Weather Shelter Open November 24 and 25
In cooperation with other island churches, we are providing a warm shelter for folks when temperatures go below freezing. Come be our guest as we provide a safe and warm place to stay for the night, with clean blankets and a mat to sleep on. We will serve you a hot, healthy breakfast in the […]
El Hogar Addresses Emigration Crisis
El Hogar Projects serves as the compassionate and effective solution to the underlying issues of the emigration crisis. These past few weeks have seen significant and appropriate attention being directed toward the plight of vulnerable migrants crossing the U.S. border. We are seeing unaccompanied children and young mothers fleeing to the U.S. at an unprecedented […]