We pray for your universal church, may all its members be blessed to be aware of your Holy Spirit and inspired to be your servants on earth.

You are my God, and the rock of my salvation.

We pray for these United States that our leaders may, being guided by your Holy Spirit, make wise decisions on our behalf to protect: our freedom as well as our safety, not only our economy but also our environment, and our citizens as well as our neighbors.

You are my God, and the rock of my salvation

We pray for the world and especially all those in harm’s way from disease, war, terrorism, economic hardship or uncertainty that they find comfort in your love.

You are my God, and the rock of my salvation

We pray for our parish Emmanuel and give thanks for our Music Committee that arranges beautiful brown bag concerts to raise funds for music scholarships as well as for Nancy Ayers who has arranged a labyrinth walk series this summer.  We give thanks for George and Ingrid’s 50 years of marriage and for their ministry to this parish over much of that time.

You are my God, and the rock of my salvation

We pray for all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit, especially those that we now name:  insert prayer list may they find comfort in your love and assistance from we, your servants.

You are my God, and the rock of my salvation

We pray for the departed and those that mourn that they may find rest in your love.

You are my God, and the rock of my salvation

Presider: Hear the prayers of your people, help us to be aware of your Holy Spirit, find comfort in your love, and give thanks to you for all the blessings of this life through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.