Lord, let your church be a reflection of eternal light so that we, its members and your faithful servants, may carry out your mission in this temporal world.

Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way

Lord, let the leaders of these United States cry out with the blessing of cooperation to create a better world rather than the cursing of contentiousness.

Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way

Lord, let the Holy Spirit direct and rule all our hearts so that refugees are blessed with a welcome rather than cursed with rejection.

Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way

Lord, we give thanks for the bounty of this summer from gardens and for all those who welcomed and served our island visitors. May we reflect joyfully on those times of fellowship as the days grow shorter and the tide of guests slowly recedes.

Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way

Lord, we give thanks for Chris, our Chancellor, who has guided us through changes in state law regarding usage of our facilities as well as all Eucharistic Visitors who share the gifts of your heavenly table with those who are unable to join us.

Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way

Lord, we ask that all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit be aware of and find comfort in the presence of your Holy Spirit, especially those we now name: insert prayer list

(silence) May their care givers also receive respite.

Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way

Lord, we pray for the departed, especially Bruce Phillips Bailey, and all that mourn for them that they may focus on divine things rather than human things. May the memory of the Martyrs of Birmingham, Alabama, who were killed on September 15, 1963 after Sunday school and before choir, fill our hearts not just with sadness but inspire us to continue the holy crusade for freedom and human dignity.

Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way

Presider: Wisdom of God, from the street corners and at the entrances to the city, you proclaim the way of life and of death. Grant us the gift of wisdom, that we may discern your way and be your faithful servants. Amen.