Lector: Eternal God, As we come to a new year, we pray that you would be with us. As we re?ect upon all of the endless possibilities of creation, we are overwhelmed that you gently called each one of us into being. Help us to nourish the mystery of the spirit of light in us. We thank you for your creative love that made us and for your redeeming love that makes us whole. Lord, come and listen to us.

Help us to receive each new day as a gift and not as a burden. Help us to see every day as an opportunity to be seized. Give us courage when we would ?nd it easier to cower. Give us mountains to climb when we would rather dwell in the valleys. Lord, come and listen to us.

Give all ministers, especially Berto, our priest, Hugh, who is with us today and Greg, our Bishop, patience and ingenuity as we struggle to realize your truth for our parish and Diocese. Lord, come and listen to us.

We bring before you all of the special needs in our community: those recovering from illness or a?iction; those recovering from surgery; those whose lives know the shadow of death; those who mentally are gradually leaving their loved ones due to Alzheimer’s disease; those who know the darkness of depression.  Touch each with your grace, especially those on our parish prayer list: Your petitions are invited at this time, either aloud or in silence. Lord, come and listen to us.

Comfort us with the sure knowledge that the people we love who have died are living now in your endless and bountiful joy. Lord, come and listen to us.

Touch our war-weary world and be especially with those who have been devastated by the consequences of war. Bring peace and recovery to the nations and a will to live in harmony. Lord, come and listen to us.

Presider: God of complete love, guide us through the darkness and into the unending gentle light of your Being, so that we can bring your love, peace, and beauty into our own lives and so to those whose lives we touch. Amen.