Lector: Dearest Lord, let the whole world be joined in unity of spirit, that, through love, we may be cleansed of enmity, anger, quarrels, and factions.  Replace the works of the ?esh with the works of the spirit-peace, patience, kindness and generosity.

People: I will call aloud to God.  I will cry aloud and he will hear me.

Dearest Lord, Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of your church.  Let our every word and action begin in his great commandment to love you with all our hearts, minds and souls and to love each other as we do ourselves. I will call aloud to God.  I will cry aloud and he will hear me.

Dearest Lord, our great nation su?ers from violence in thought, feeling and action.  Cleanse us of our idolatry of guns.  Comfort those who have lost loved ones to gun violence; especially the families of Orlando as they bury their children. 

I will cry aloud to God.  I will cry aloud and he will hear me. 

Dearest Lord, you have counseled us not to use your gift of freedom for self-indulgence but, through love, become slaves to one another.  Help us to remember that this great commandment includes everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, income, ability, religion, or sexual orientation. 

I will cry aloud to God.  I will cry aloud and he will hear me.

Dearest Lord, your world is so beautiful, especially now at the summer solstice, when it is ?lled with light and life.  You are the God who works wonders; let us honor your creation by caring for it with the tenderest of hearts and hands.

I will cry aloud to God.  I will cry aloud and he will hear me.

Dearest Lord, in the days of our trouble, we seek you.  Our hands are stretched out and do not tire.  Comfort and heal those who su?er loss and sadness; we reach out to you, especially for those on our parish prayer list:

I will cry aloud to God.  I will cry aloud and he will hear me.

Presider:  If we live by the spirit, let us also be guided by the spirit, that we may become holy temples, acceptable to you.  Amen.