God of all, come and listen to our prayers this morning, as we ask for help, forgiveness, and blessing. Keep us from self-serving in our desires to help the careworn world we inhabit.

Lord, come and listen.

Knowing God, Open the ears of the leaders of the world, so that they are able to hear Your voice and the voices of the many who are neglected, abused, and powerless. We ask guidance especially for the public office candidates around the United States.

Lord, come and listen.

Forgiving God, guide the leaders of all religious peoples so that the message of understanding can be told to everyone. We give thanks for our rector, Berto, and ask your blessing on him.

Lord, come and listen.

Compassionate God, we ask your forgiveness for our mistreatment of the creation you have given us. Help us to let go of our desire for wealth and comfort at the expense of the forests and the seas.

Lord, come and listen.

Healing God, we ask your intercession for those who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually. Your prayers and petitions are invited at this time either aloud or in silence. We ask especially for those on our parish prayer list (insert names here).

Lord, come and listen.

Timeless God, bless all of those friends and family who have preceded us in death. Teach us to remember them surrounded by Your all-encompassing love.

Lord, come and listen.

Closing prayer: God of mercy and forgiveness, keep our hearts glowing with the knowledge of your love for us and our tumultuous lives. We pray for all creation to join in thanksgiving for your care. Amen.