Oh Holy Father Mother God. We eagerly await this celebration of your coming to earth in human form. The moment is almost here when your star will shine radiantly over all, calling forth peace and good will to our waiting hearts.
People: May all hearts be open and ready for you. Veni veni Emmanuel.
And with willing hearts we gladly invite special blessings upon our priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop and all Spiritual Leaders throughout the world. We thank you for their guidance in our lives, and the many ways in which they manifest your presence in service to all beings. May all hearts be open and ready for you. Veni veni Emmanuel.
We pray for the su?ering people of the world and ask that the chaotic struggles caused by man and nature be eased, that all might have a moment of peace and truth in the glorious reality of your ongoing creation.
May all hearts be open and ready for you. Veni veni Emmanuel.
We ask for special blessings for all those in our extended Orcas Community. May all know comfort and support in these dark days of the year. We ask for reassurance for those who feel friendless, that they might better know you; healing prayers for those who are unwell in body or spirit; prayers for the bereaved– may they be comforted in the knowledge of the spiritual contentment of their departed loved ones. At this time we particularly name those in special need of prayer including
We thank you for the blessings seen and unseen that are heaped upon us, and ask for your mercy and guidance throughout the coming year
May all hearts be open and ready for you. Veni veni Emmanuel.
Presider: May all come to see the mystery of your birth as a great narrative of hope and wisdom for all to share, now and forever. Amen.