Father, Mother God, we begin a new year with high hopes for peace on earth. If we are to achieve peace, we know that it will only be through love, love that is patient and kind, love that does not envy or boast, love that is not arrogant or rude, love that does not insist on its own way, love that is not irritable or resentful, love that does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but that rejoices with the truth.
Holy Spirit, teach us to love.
Father, Mother God. If your church is not the face of love, then what is it? Let us not put our faith in prophecies, or tongues, or knowledge, but, through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit that descends like a dove into our hearts and minds, so that our every breath will be the breath of love.
Holy Spirit, teach us to love.
Father, Mother God, heal our great nation from its partisan argument. Help us to remember that we are one people, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Help us to remember brotherly and sisterly love for one another.
Holy Spirit, teach us to love.
Father, Mother God, you have told us that if we love the least among us, we will love you. Let us put aside judgement to lift up the poor, the hungry, the homeless, to help those in harm’s way, those in prison, those without hope. Without love for them, we cannot love you.
Holy Spirit, teach us to love.
Father, Mother God, you created this world out of the void, and you called it “good.” Help us to protect the beauty and health of your creation. Help us to remember, every day, that the earth is not ours to sully, but to care for and praise.
Holy Spirit, teach us to love.
Father, Mother God, our hearts break for those who suffer in body, mind, and spirit, who feel bereft of love and hope. Help us to find them and love them. Be with those who have lost their loved ones. Bless all who suffer, baptize them in your loving spirit, including those we now name, silently and aloud (pause) including those on our parish prayer list:
Holy Spirit, teach us to love.
Presider: Father, Mother God. Baptize us with the Holy Spirit.  We are in sore need.