Lector: Dearest Lord, we pray for an end to human violence and enmity. Help us to ?nd common ground in truth and justice, in mercy and compassion for our brothers and sisters, near and far. We pray for peace in Jesus’s name.

Dearest Lord, we pray for an end to homelessness. Around the world, inequality and violence have robbed far too many of our brothers and sisters of hope for a secure and healthful home. Help us to ?nd shelter for the homeless, near and far. We pray for shelter in Jesus’s name.

Dearest Lord, we pray for an end to hunger. We have the resources to feed everyone, but not yet the will. With glad hearts, let us to share our food with the hungry, near and far. We pray for food in Jesus’s name.

Dearest Lord, we pray for the alleviation of human su?ering in all of its forms — sickness and injury, loneliness and loss, shame and addiction, depression and desperation, neglect and abuse. Lift up our eyes to its causes and cures. Open our hearts to help. We pray for wellness in Jesus’s name.

Dearest Lord, we pray for an end to the destruction of the natural world. We have sullied its beauties and balance in our pursuit of material comfort and wealth. Help us to praise and protect the earth, for its own sake and that of our children and their children. We pray for the health of the earth in Jesus’s name.

Dearest Lord, in tender mercy and compassion, please tend to Dick Thompson, his family and our parish family as we all mourn the passing of his beloved wife Patty. Please also be with family and friends whom we now name, silently or aloud …(pause)…, and especially those on our parish prayer list: ... We pray for the welfare of our beloved in Jesus’s name.

Presider: We have known from the beginning that you give power to the faint and strength to the powerless. We wait for the Lord. Amen.